Thank you for choosing to save money, distance, and time by flying with ABE. Use the links below to check the status of a flight, connect with your airline, and to book a flight now!
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Input number of days parked at the airport
Input the ticket cost per airport
Driving Cost1
Travel Time Cost2
Parking Cost3
Total Cost
ABE Savings
Driving Cost1
Travel Time Cost2
Parking Cost3
Total Cost
ABE Savings
Driving Cost1
Travel Time Cost2
Parking Cost3
Total Cost
ABE Savings
Driving Cost1
Travel Time Cost2
Parking Cost3
Total Cost
ABE Savings
Driving Cost1
Travel Time Cost2
Parking Cost3
Total Cost
ABE Savings
1 Based on IRS 2024 Standard Mileage Rate of $0.67 per mile (roundtrip).
2 Based upon each city's estimated Median Household Income figures (September 2022) as provided by (roundtrip).
3 Based upon parking lot's daily rates at each airport for specified length of trip.
(ABE: Long Term Parking; AVP: Surface Parking Lots; PHL: Parking Garage (Long Term Rates); EWR: Daily Parking P1/P3 Lots; MDT: Long Term Parking)
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