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All Flight InformationJuly 29th, 2019 | Airport News
Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE) welcomes Canteen Smart Market
Did you forget to eat or get a drink before taking off for Lehigh Valley International Airport (ABE)?
We’ve got a smart option!
On Monday, July 29th, ABE officially welcomed Canteen Smart Maket in the Departure Terminal located beyond the TSA checkpoint.
“Offering options for passengers certainly enhances the level of customer service at ABE. Sometimes eating a meal might seem impossible when your rushing through the airport, but this set-up allows anyone to grab and go, said Thomas R. Stoudt, Executive Director, LNAA.
Items currently available within the Canteen Smart Market at ABE:
“Finding an active travel environment like ABE is a perfect landing spot for Canteen. As the leader within the unattended retail space, we offer our guests a safe and simple solution for Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner and all snacking needs; 24 hours a day, seven days a week,” said Eric Murray, District Manager, Canteen.
One-time purchases can be processed through a credit card or there is an option for users to create an account at the kiosk or online at
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