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Airport News

Live Burn Mobile Simulator to visit Lehigh Valley International Airport

June 16th, 2016 |

ARFF will host two-day training session on June 24 and 25

Allentown, PA – For only the second time, the Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority Aircraft Rescue and Firefighting (ARFF) Division, will host the Live Burn Mobile Simulator of the West Virginia University Fire Training Academy.  This two-day training session with local first responders is scheduled on June 24 and 25 from 8:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. at Lehigh Valley International Airport.

Support and funding from Lehigh County made this opportunity possible for ARFF, first responders and emergency services.

“It’s an opportunity for our emergency responders to practice, prepare and execute under the intense conditions of real life scenarios,” said Charles Everett, Executive Director, Lehigh-Northampton Airport Authority.

This Symtron A-30000 Firetrainer simulator is utilized throughout the state and region to assist local airport emergency services in meeting 14 CFR Part 139, Certification of Airports requirements. Local airport emergency services, local fire departments, and law enforcement are exposed to valuable training without leaving their respective areas including the following scenarios: wheel fires, engine fires, interior fires and spill fires.

“Even though these training exercises are simulated, they allow those answering the aircraft emergency call to understand the immediate response process while also understanding consequences of their actions,” said Chief John Demyan, LNAA Rescue and Firefighting.

Any local media outlets interested in having a reporter or photographer participate in this training session, please contact Colin Riccobon. ( or (484) 707-1358.

Lehigh Valley International Airport is conveniently located near Allentown, Bethlehem and Easton, Pennsylvania. Allegiant Air, American, Delta and United have 10 nonstop destinations to both leisure destinations and major airline hubs with connections to the world. LVIA’s nonstop destinations include: Atlanta, Charlotte, Chicago, Detroit, Myrtle Beach (seasonal), Newark, Orlando, Punta Gorda and Tampa Bay. For more information on LNAA, visit or


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